Friday, 26 July 2013

Weird: 47 Year Old Grand Ma Wants Plastic Surgery To Look "Older"!

'Everyone wants to look younger but I'm not joking or exaggerating when I say looking young is ruining my life' Anne is thinking about having cosmetic surgery to make herself look older
Most of us hit our thirties and begin to fret about the onset of the signs of aging: the wrinkles, the greying hair, the cellulite, the saggy bottoms. But grandmother Anne Bolton is already 47 and none of these predictable side effects have happened. And she really wishes they would. The mother-of-four says she is constantly being mistaken for a woman half her age, and Anne, a market stall worker from Bristol, says looking like a 20-year-old is actually ruining her life - and now she's thinking about having cosmetic surgery to make herself look older.
Imagine! When people are struggling with plastic surgery, eating right, exercising, using botox injections and other channels to look younger this woman wants to look OLDER!!! Different strokes for different folks! More pictures after the break ...
Anne Bolton, 47, hates being mistaken for a woman half her age and wishes she looked the same age as her friends

 Anne's son Arthur with his babyAnne used to enjoy shopping trips with eldest son Arthur, but he got fed up of his mum being mistaken for his girlfriend
Anne says that her youthful looks have ruined a marriage and two long-term relationships, as younger men constantly chat her up. She also believes jealous friends have abandoned her because she makes them look older.
Her eldest son, who has recently become a father, hates being seen with her after being mistaken for her boyfriend. Now size eight Anne fears her youthful looks will mean a lifetime of loneliness because she only ever gets chatted up by toyboys she has nothing in common with.

She says: 'Everyone wants to look younger but I'm not joking or exaggerating when I say looking young is ruining my life. I would do anything for a few wrinkles to look my age. 'Why I have none is a mystery to me but the older I get, the bigger the problem becomes for me. I need someone to invent the reverse of Botox because I'm desperate to look older.' Anne married her first husband at the age of 24, but within a few years they were bickering over her looks.

She said: 'I was in my late twenties but my husband noticed much younger men looking at me and he started to get jealous. 'I wasn't interested, but as the years passed I remained looking the same age and he looked older, which led to even more rows.'We were the same age but he hated people thinking he'd married a younger woman so I did my best to dress older.'

Source: Daily Mail

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